Types of Refunds

How to Refund Without Receipt:

Select “Operation”

Select “Refund”

Select the “date” and press “Search” then of the refund and select the check that needs to be refunded and select “Refund Without Receipt”

Select the amount you need to refund and select “Type of Refund” and type in a “Reason”

Select “Yes” to confirm the refund

Refund Success


How to Refund Menu Items:

Select the “date” and press “Search” then of the refund and select the check that needs to be refunded and select “Refund Menu Items”

Select the item you would like to refund and select “Refund Item”

Select “Type of Refund” and type in a “Reason”

Select “Yes” to confirm

Refund is Success


As Shown: Item has been refunded


How to Refund with Receipt:

Select the “date” and press “Search” then of the refund and select the check that needs to be refunded and select “Refund”

Refund the amount needed and type in a “Reason” and Select “Type of Refund”

Select “Yes” to confirm

Refund Success


Checking the “Refund” Report on the BOH

Select “Reports” then Select “Refund”, select your “Time Period”, finally click “Run”