Hold / Fire Coursing

Holding an Item:

Select on the item and select “Hold”

Select either to manually hold on the item or automatically hold

Manual=Server must come back to fire the item


Automatic= Item will fire on its own if the server sets a time

Now the item is on hold. Select “Order” to send the other item to the Kitchen

If the item is still on hold, select “No”

Now one item has been sent to the kitchen and the other on hold.

Holding a check:

Select “Option”

Select “Hold”

Choose between Automatic and Manual and select “Done”

Manual=Server must come back to fire the item


Automatic= Item will fire on its own if the server sets a time


As Shown: The whole check is on Hold


Firing an Item:

Select on the held item and select “Fire”

Now the item on hold will be sent to the Kitchen


Firing a check:

Select “Order”

Select “Yes” if you want to send all menu items to the kitchen

As Shown: All items on check sent to the kitchen