Enable Global Till BOH:

Select “Settings”, “Store”, “Settings”

Scroll down and enable “Open Auto Global Till” also fill out “Enter Opening Balance” then “Enable Tip Paid Out”

Enable Till FOH:

Select “Operation”

Select “POS Settings”

Enable “Set Default Till as Global” then select “Save Changes”

Viewing Active Tills:

NOTE: After Global Till is enabled, cashiers can make transactions right away. No need to start a Till


Till Balance went from $300 to $352.93 after a transaction was taken


Viewing open tills on BOH:

Select “Settings”, “Store”, “Close Till”

As Shown: The Till created with other open Tills


Giving Permission to Roles Regarding Till:

Select “User Management”, “Roles”, “Bartender”

Select “POS Operations” and from here you can enable/disable Till settings