End of Day Process

View closed checks:

Select “All”

Select “Closed” here you will confirm that all checks are closed

How to make Tip Adjustments:

Select “Operation”

Select “Batch/Tip Adjustment

Select on the “Tip” that needs to be adjusted

Change the Tip amount and press “Continue”

Tip has been adjusted successfully

How to Batch:

Select “Submit Batch”

Another way of batching is to turn on “Auto Batch”

Select “Settings”, “Batch”, “Auto Batch” Now you will be able to update the time of when the batching will occur.

Closing out the Till:

Select “Operation”

Select “Till Management”

Select “Select the Till you want to close” then select “Close Till”

Select “Yes”

Till is closed. Will print Checkout Summary Select “Submit”


Till Closed


Employee Cashier Out and Clock Out:

Select “Operation”

Select “Till Management”

Select “Reports” then “Cashier Out”

Select “Yes” or “No”

Cashier Out is successful
Employee Clock Out:

Select “Clock Out”

Employee Clock Out Successful